A thorough inspection will not be rushed and will depend on the type of survey required based on vessel size, equip-ment and on-board systems.
There may be additional services available such as engine surveys, oil analysis, galvanic and stray current corrosion testing, ultrasonic testing, moisture testing and other non-destructive tests. These services may have additional charges and will only be recommended if the surveyor feels further investigation is needed based on their initial findings.
Well conducted surveys can provide good information on the vessels' condition, but they are not guarantees. The surveyor will report the condition in accessible areas only as it exists at the time of inspection. This is another good reason why the boat must be hauled for a survey.
However, the most important reason to survey your vessel is for the safety of yourself, your passengers and crew!
Remember, according to The Society Of Accredited Marine Surveyors, Inc. SAMS® there are three primary classes of
Accredited Marine Surveyors
Our Accredited Marine Surveyor (A.M.S.) members must have a minimum of 5 years experience and must pass a written examination by our testing committee in order to earn his or her title. They must also meet continuing education requirements in order to maintain that title.
Surveyor Associates
Members using the title of Surveyor Associate (S.A.) are practicing marine surveyors who have not yet met the
prerequisites for acceptance as accredited members.
Affiliate Members
Affiliate Members (AFFILIATE) are individuals and businesses providing a product or service relative to the marine industry who are not actively engaged in the profession of marine surveying.
It's your investment; ask your surveyor which class they belong too!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Captain Stanley G. Konz, A.M.S.
Maritime Vessel Surveying, Inc.
For permission to use this article, please email: Capt. Stan